From its very first years, the Foundation has equipped itself with a specialised library open to the public. It holds at present around 5500 volumes and 19 subscribed periodicals. There are also some first editions.
The library’s volumes are subdivided into 15 thematic areas:
- Anthropology
- Environment
- Family, The Female World
- Immigration
- Informal, Black Work
- Manuals
- Labour Market
- Post Industry, Economic Sociology and Market
- Poverty
- Urban Sociology
- Visual Sociology
- Statistics
- Old Age
- Evaluation
- Welfare, Welfare State e Social Policies
Periodicals currently available for consultation:
- Ageing end Society
- Current Sociology
- Economia e Lavoro
- European, Urban And Regional Studies
- Giornale di Gerontologia
- Global Social Policy
- International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
- International Sociology
- Journal of Social Policy
- Politiche Sociali
- Quaderni di Sociologia
- Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia
- Research on Aging
- Rivista delle Politiche Sociali
- Social Policy and Society
- Social Politics
- Sociologia del Lavoro
- Stato e Mercato
- Urban Affaires – Review
The library is open to the general public and it is not necessary to join the library in order to use it.
Books can be consulted on the premises or taken out on loan (maximum of 3). Periodicals may be consulted only in the library.
Opening hours are normally Monday to Friday 10.30 a.m.–12.30 p.m. and 2.30 p.m.–6.30 p.m. by appointment fixed with the Administrator on the phone (+39 02.8057718)